Inside Alaska’s World of Nature

Inside Alaska's World of Nature Inside Alaska's World of Nature

Howard Carbone

We invite you to join longtime Tauck partner Howard Carbone, owner of Alaska Nature Guides, for a special presentation that shares his passion for Alaska’s amazing world of nature, from wildlife and their habitats to the 49th state’s diverse ecosystems and landscapes. Howard works closely with our journeys to Alaska, including Alaska: Call of the Wild, and will be introduced by our Alaska Tour Architect, Valerie Dulin.

Howard Carbone earned his Master’s Degree in Biology in Michigan before moving to Alaska in 1992 where he worked as a naturalist and educator in Denali for twelve years – and climbed to Denali’s 20,310-foot summit. Howard met his wife Noelle in Denali National Park where they both worked as Rangers; Noelle has a degree in education, and worked for over ten years as a naturalist interpreter and backcountry ranger in Denali National Park. They started Alaska Nature Guides to give visitors an opportunity to experience and connect with Alaska’s natural world in the company of great naturalist guides.

Be sure to take a look at some additional content below, from videos to a podcast, that we’ve put together on diverse aspects of Mt. Denali – and be sure to take a look at an incredible video of a winter storm on Denali captured by Howard Carbone using time lapse photography.




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  1. Alaska is a nice complement to Tauck’s Winter in Yellowstone tour (I have been on both of them in the past with Tauck). 🙂

  2. Beautifully done! I’ve been on an Alaskan Cruise but never went to Denali….I should go back:-)
    Thank you.

  3. Thank you- awesome presentation! Did Alaska call of the wild with all three grandsons! Separately- so much fun and each trip was different but all included Howard of course!