It was Day 5 of our tour. We had a 3 am breakfast in preparation for our 5:30 am flight from Cairo to Abu Simbel. Upon arrival we viewed the temples of Ramesses II and Queen Nefertari, then we had a sleepy, 3-hour bus ride through the Sahara to Aswan, the location of the Aswan High Dam. Upon our arrival, our group climbed off the bus only to encounter sweltering 110-degree heat. Just then an old beat up four-door car, sorely in need of a new muffler, roars into the parking lot and backs into the space next to our bus. The driver jumps out of the car and starts to open the trunk lid. So now we are all looking at our Tauck Director for some sort of reassurance of our safety. She just stands there smiling for she knew the contents of the trunk were damp, cold washcloths for all of us! That is one of our best Tauck moments.
My First Trip to Egypt & Jordan
Tauck Guests